As nothing gets lost in the crafting dimension, pop tabs make no exception. A variety of fashion items can be created using these tiny metal pieces: bracelets, belts, purses, hats, even dresses. In order to create a can tab purse you need at least 700 pop tabs and craft wire or ribbon for holding them together. First you must clean and dry the pop tabs, then proceed to assemble the purse. Start with two tabs side by side and other two over toping them. Connect them with a little piece of craft wire and repeat adding other two. Following this procedure, keep adding pairs of pop tabs until you create the front and the back of the purse. Continue with the sides adding around 3 tabs, in the same manner, keeping the rows at 90 degrees angle and making sure they follow the same direction. Close the purse with the bottom side and add a strap of fabric and pop tabs. In order to have a functional purse, add a fabric interior made upon the purse’s measurements. Have fun and enjoy your can tab purse!
Pop Top Purse Tutorial
As nothing gets lost in the crafting dimension, pop tabs make no exception. A variety of fashion items can be created using these tiny metal pieces: bracelets, belts, purses, hats, even dresses. In order to create a can tab purse you need at least 700 pop tabs and craft wire or ribbon for holding them together. First you must clean and dry the pop tabs, then proceed to assemble the purse. Start with two tabs side by side and other two over toping them. Connect them with a little piece of craft wire and repeat adding other two. Following this procedure, keep adding pairs of pop tabs until you create the front and the back of the purse. Continue with the sides adding around 3 tabs, in the same manner, keeping the rows at 90 degrees angle and making sure they follow the same direction. Close the purse with the bottom side and add a strap of fabric and pop tabs. In order to have a functional purse, add a fabric interior made upon the purse’s measurements. Have fun and enjoy your can tab purse!